A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Heartbound is a non-traditional role-playing game about a boy and his dog.

  • Follow Lore and Baron on their adventures.
  • Handle combat through a series of unique mini-games.
  • Change the story through exploration and interaction with the world.
  • A massive series of optional cryptographic puzzles that can be solved as a community.
  • Varying environments with unique pixel art, an inspired soundtrack, and tons of extra socks.
  • That awful feeling when you do something terrible to someone who loves you.
  • More gags than you can shake a stick at. Binder can lend you one of his if you don't bring your own.


  • English
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Russian


  • Play with a Keyboard and Mouse or your favorite controller.

Jason Thor Hall

Game Designer, Programmer, Writer, Effects Artist

Founded Pirate Software to follow his longstanding dream of building an indie games company. Thor operates as a programmer, artist, and writer on the team. His body is composed of 98% ramen noodles and hate. Owner of Gadget and Gizmo the nightmare cat duo. He bailed out of a 7 year career at a major Triple A developer to create Heartbound.

Bradie Shaye Rehmel
Lead Artist

The lead artist and mascot wrangler for Heartbound. He is in charge of all in-game assets, concept art, promotional work and miscellaneous Heartbound-related doodlings. He has an affinity for arthropods such as tarantulas and hissing cockroaches. Goblin, his glorious rabbit son is Pirate Software's mascot. Previously created all of the art for Champions of Breakfast under the Pirate Software banner.

Stijn van Wakeren
Composer and Sound Designer

The lead composer and musical mastermind for Heartbound. Stijn is in charge of all in-game musical scores, sound effects, and other audio components. They collect large amounts of strange and interesting instruments, incorporating them into the game’s audio score when possible. Some say you can hear their melodic compositions coming down from the Dutch mountains, entrancing those whose ears are graced by it.


Heartbound Demo - Windows
Heartbound Demo - Linux

Development log